Bring the 🍿

Who’s the SparkLoop/beehiiv feud good for?

📮 What’s happening in newsletters?

  1. Bring the 🍿, Sparkloop and beehiiv are at it on X

  2. 📈Matt McGarry is looking for 68 operators for The Newsletter Growth System, a 5-week cohort-based course. Legit.

  3. 🐝 beehiiv outed an open platform for their Boosts product

  4. ⚡️➰ (see what I did there?) Sparkloop is getting ready to release a fully updated dashboard; beta invites went out today. You on the list?

  5. 📲Nudge is a phenomenal use of sms for local newsletters; take note

    1. Arthur’s note: I firmly believe that local newsletters are going to need full website builds to realize their full potential

  6. ✋ Stop question and check out this tool to confirm your DMARC setup.

🔥 What’s happening in the community?

  1. 🤯 Oh damn, that’s a fantastic subject line. Thanks for sharing, Paul.

  2. 💰 NGB led a fantastic call on monetization. Watch the replay and sign up to upcoming free calls on paid ads, growing a community with and for your newsletter, and virtual meetups here

  3. 🤖 Nandocaralt asked who was using GPT to help with newsletters, and it launched a great conversation that encompassed, using JSON for better ChatGPT use, and much more

  4. 🎁 Kody used a giveaway to grow his subscribers count, and kept us updated with results

  5. 🌟 Arthur started a convo in dev-chat about OpenAI automation for his daily workout newsletter

  6. 🤓 Would you use office hours as a way to monetize your newsletter? Patrick asked and answers ensued.

  7. ☕ Geraldine tested the “buy me a coffee” way of asking for donations in her newsletter, and shared process and results from it

  8. 🚀 In the wins department, Matt Brown sold his newsletter in record time!

We love all of you! See you all next week :)

See you in the Discord,
- Geraldine & Arthur


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