Going Atomic

Plus: Cross promotions, evergreen newsletters, zero to 24K

I’m on vacation and a tiny bit surprised this issue made it to your inbox. The distractions are everywhere.

If it’s lacking don’t blame me. Blame my kid for exhausting me in the pool.

Last week’s poll showed an even split between beehiiv and ConvertKit users with a smattering of substacks.


Reverse Engineering to 24K Subscribers in 11 Months

Chenell Basilio has built a rocket ship with her detailed reports on how creators grow their businesses.

Turning her deep dive reporting skills on herself, we get an insiders view of growing her newsletter from zero to 24K subs in 11 months.


Newsletter Cross Promotions - A Free Growth Opportunity

I’ll take a side of free growth.

A few ideas on how to work with other newsletters and grow together.



The Rise of Atomic Newsletters

What the hell is an Atomic Newsletter and what do you think about this format?


Let’s talk about you, in this week’s poll…

When you go on vacation, what do you do with your newsletter?

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

See the results in next week’s issue.


Evergreen Newsletter Machine

You write amazing content, send it in your newsletter and then it never sees the light of day again.

Matt Ragland has a way to turn it into evergreen content.

(h/t Alx zoo for sharing this)


Want to hang out with other newsletter operators in the best newsletter community that ever existed?

You need to check out the Newsletter Blueprint community.

Some recent conversations:

  • Newsletter acquisitions.

  • Twitter ads.

  • Mastering Reddit.

  • Finding sponsorship leads.

And… members hitting milestones, cross promotion opportunities, sponsorship opportunities, and more.


How was it for you?

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.